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[:pb]Eggshell, A promising waste in organic reactions[:]

[:pb]Authors: Pinto, L. S. S.; De Souza, M. V. N.
Source: Letters in Organic Chemistry, v. 16, p. 851-859, 2019
Publisher: Bentham Science


Today, the chicken egg is consumed worldwide with an annual production on the order of tons. However, in spite of its importance, problems include the generation of waste due to its shell, which is composed of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). The application of eggshell waste can be utilized in different fields, such as chemistry, due to its potential possibilities in different types of chemical reactions. In this context, the aim of this review is to demonstrate the versatility and applications of this waste over the last five years in different kinds of chemical reactions.

Keywords: eggshell, waste, organic synthesis, methodologies, green chemistry, chicken egg

Document Type: Review Article

DOI: 10.2174/1570178616666190123115432

Publication date: 1 de novembro de 2019


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