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Jovem de 14 anos cria sabonete para câncer de pele e é eleito cientista do ano Leia mais em:
Em entrevista à Forbes Brasil, Heman Bekele, criador de um sabonete que trata o câncer de pele e premiado pela 3M e Discovery Education, conta sua história e deixa recado para brasileiros
Descoberta bactérias que podem converter composto natural em ouro de 24 quilates
Dois cientistas da Universidade de Michigan desafiaram todas as leis da química e da microbiologia ao descobrirem uma bactéria que pode converter matéria em ouro puro. E não, não é uma piada.
Corrida por “impacto” torna academia refém de grupos editoriais
Centros de pesquisa e governos pagam bilhões de dólares a editoras de periódicos científicos por acesso a artigos cujos custos de produção, muitas vezes, eles mesmos financiaram. Decisão da Universidade de Sorbonne de afastar-se deste ...
Nanodecoys lure and trap Zika virus
By James Urquhart Gelatin nanoparticles camouflaged by mosquito membrane mop up virus and stop it crossing placenta Chinese researchers have developed therapeutic nanoparticles that attract and trap the Zika virus in infected mice. The approach ...
New tools direct reactions at specific C–H bonds in organic molecules
By Nina Notman Elegant catalysts offer quicker routes to complex compounds When looking for ways to build up an organic molecule, traditionally chemists ignored carbon–hydrogen bonds. Unless activated by a nearby functional group such as ...
Chemist’s rescue mission saved doctoral student trapped in Isis war zone
By Katrina Krämer It sounds like the plot of an action film, but a chemist at a Swedish university organised a daring rescue of her Iraqi doctoral student and his family after they became trapped ...
Catalytically, is copper the new gold?
By Andy Extance Approach for depositing copper on silica support influences how easily it oxidises, and in turn the reactions it catalyses Researchers in China claim that they have changed the chemical properties affecting a ...
The father of the periodic table
By Mike Sutton Mendeleev’s patience revealed periodicity in the elements The urge to discover patterns in our surroundings appears to be a fundamental human trait. Thousands of years ago, our remote ancestors built massive stone ...
Democratizing synthesis by automation
By Anat Milo There is something particularly satisfying in watching an automaton as it impeccably performs its task, be it an Archimedean screw pump or a machine for making cookie cutters. In this vein, the ...
Science, suffrage and misogyny
By Rachel Brazil Rachel Brazil looks back at women’s fight for professional equality in chemistry Source: © Archives, Imperial College Martha Whiteley was a pioneering female chemist and one of the first female members of ...
A taste of wine chemistry
By Nina Notman Nina Notman talks to the wine detectives uncovering the flavour molecules in our favourite tipples ‘Wine is a rare example of a consumer packaged good where variation is not just tolerated, it ...
Chemistry graduate student gets seven years for poisoning co-worker
By Rebecca Trager  Queen’s University in Canada was the scene of a poisoning of one lab scientist by another A graduate student who pleaded guilty to poisoning a fellow chemist at Queen’s University in Kingston, ...
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Nosso grupo de pesquisa está situado em Farmanguinhos e atualmente é o maior laboratório farmacêutico oficial vinculado ao Ministério da Saúde. Farmanguinhos produz mais de um bilhão de medicamentos por ano para os programas estratégicos do Governo Federal, além de atender demandas emergenciais no Brasil e no exterior.