Synthesis of primary amines from the reduction of aromatic nitro compounds through sustai-nable reaction protocols in aqueous medium

Authors: Bernardes, B.; Costa, T.; Silva, L.; Pinto, L.; Facchinetti, V.; De Souza, M. V. N; Vasconcelos, T.
Source: Química Nova (Online), v. 45, p. 847-861, 2022
Publisher: Química Nova


Aromatic amines are important intermediates in the industry to produce a wide array of products, and the reduction of aromatic nitro compounds is the main methodology for their preparation. Considering this fact, the objective of this review is to describe the development of sustainable methodologies for the reduction of aromatic nitro compounds for their respective amines from 2017 to 2020. Thus, throughout the text, the reaction conditions and the various reagents, solvents and catalysts used in the synthesis of aromatic amines are presented, along with the main advantages of the methodologies described.

Keywords: primary amines, nitro compounds, aromatic, reduction, green chemistry
Document Type: Research Article
DOI: 10.21577/0100-4042.20170891
Publication date: 6 de abril de 2022

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