Síntese de aminoálcoois derivados do D-manitol

Authors: De Souza, M.V.N.; Mello, S.C.P.; Ferreira, V.F.


Aminoalcohols have found important applications in synthetic and medicinal chemistry, being used as chiral building blocks for the synthesis of many biologically active compounds. This class of compounds has been also used as chiral auxiliaries and ligands in asymmetric synthesis. Due to the importance of aminoalcohols in the treatment of several diseases, such as tuberculosis, the aim of this article is the synthesis and preliminary evaluation against tuberculosis of six aminoalcohols in 5 or 6 steps using D-mannitol as starting material, which is a useful carbohydrate employed in many syntheses.
Keywords: aminoalcohols; mannitol; tuberculosis. Document Type: Research Article DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0100-40422008000400013 Publication date: 1 de Janeiro de 2008

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