Stille Reaction: An Important tool in the synthesis of complex natural products

Authors: De Souza, M.V.N.


Nowadays, palladium-catalysed coupling reactions are one of the most efficient procedures for the construction of C-C bonds. In this context, a reaction that is known as Stille reaction, published in 1978 by J. K. Stille and D. Milstein, is a powerful tool in the modern total synthesis. This reaction is based in organotin compounds and catalytic amount of palladium complexes, which in high yields and mild conditions allowed the synthesis of different complex natural and non-natural biologically active compounds, as well synthetic key intermediates. The aim of this review is to highlight the Stille reaction as a very important procedure in the synthesis of some complex natural products accomplished between 2000 and 2004.
Keywords: Stille reaction, palladium, natural products Document Type: Review Article DOI: Publication date: 1 de Janeiro de 2006

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