[:pb]Authors:Nery, A. C. S.; Gomes, C. R. B.; Pinheiro, A. C.; Facchinetti, V.; De Souza, M. V. N.
Source:Brazilian Journal of Health Review, v. 3, p. 15340-15354, 2020
Publisher: Brazilian Journal of Health Review
Tuberculosis (TB), remains aglobalhealth challenge, despite the many efforts and recent advances in medicine and pharmacology. The World Health Organization estimates that 1.5million people worldwide died due to TB infection in 2018. In this context, the search for novel moleculesthat can offer higher potency, shorter treatment times, andfewerside effects is urgent. This work describes the synthesis ofeightnew benzylpiperazines containing the pyrazine moiety, with potential activity against TB. The structures were rationally planned usingthe molecular hybridization technique, from the drug pyrazinamide and the benzylpiperazine core.All proposed substances were obtained from a simple and reproductiblesyntheticprocess, in lowyields
Keywords: benzylpiperazine, pyrazine, tuberculosis
Document Type: Research Article
DOI: 10.34119/bjhrv3n5-312
Publication date: 27 de outubro de 2020[:]